Grape Pie: Naples, NY

Every fall there are so many festivals to attend and they are all so fun. In Naples, NY there is a Grape Festival and it is one of the best festivals around. Everything is flavored grape! Grape fudge, grape jelly, grape ice cream, grape donuts, etc.,  but most importantly grape pie. 

Now you may be thinking grape pie sounds disgusting and when I first heard about it I wasn’t so excited about trying it. But since the grapes are only in season for so long it’s a no brainer. Buy the grape pie.

But what pie is the best?! There are loads of different places to get your pie but I’m here to tell you that I stumbled across the best that you can buy, Jeni’s Pies. Her baked goods can be found at Joseph’s Wayside Market, and she has much more than just pies, so prepare yourself. 

There are 2 types of pies: the regular topped sugar crust and the crumble topping. You may think there’s not much of a difference but I’m here to tell you that you’re wrong. Both are DELICIOUS but the crumble topped pie comes out on top. The pie tastes more fresh, has more of a grape flavor, and the bottom crust doesn’t seem to be over baked. The crumble on top is a nice touch as well. It adds the perfect amount of flavor. These pies are meant to be served cold, I haven’t even attempted to warm up a slice because I don’t want to ruin it. Grape Pie took me by surprise and I’m glad about that. It is now one of my most favorite pies but it has to be made correctly. It’s not just regular grapes the pie is made with it is the concord ones, that are so sweet to eat.

One other baked good I tried was Jeni’s Concord grape fried cakes…Devine. Simply delicious, they were covered in sugar and cinnamon and still a bit warm when I had mine. The inside was a purple color which made it super fun to eat. The grape flavor was subtly but definitely there and truly enjoyable.

I don’t know about you but I have become quite the fan of grape. 

Verdict: Yay

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